Flourishing in an Unsafe World - Sunday 19th September

my lot, my inheritance, my cup, my portion,
bounded by Him whose blood I was bought with.
His cover holds firm, a light in the dark,
preserve me and guard me, my safe place Thou art.

one double-minded--as too often I am--
trusts in their reasoning, pursues their own plans.
I want to be faithful, single-focused on You,
then I'm unstuck by traffic, a bad mood.

how do I flourish? is it what I achieve?
education, a family? long life and ease?
our Saviour never married, no higher degree,
barely survived 30, died in humility.

but His faith in the Father meant that He thrived,
death could not douse the source of all life.
in Him we're secured, abundantly blessed,
rejoicing and singing in the midst of this mess.

for our hopes are higher, our eyes long to gaze
on the King who is coming that future bright day.
as we wait, so we work: with trust, self-forgetting,
making right what is wrong, His hand with us helping.

my portion, my cup, my inheritance, my lot,
in deep waters clinging to the one solid rock.
but He clings to me tighter, gives me full life,
invites me to join in His joy, His delight.

Alex Prentice