The people of St John’s represent the breadth and diversity of the community of Glebe.
We have students, new arrivals from overseas, residents of social housing, retired people, professionals and other workers, long-term residents of Glebe, and people who enjoy our blend of traditional and contemporary worship.
““St John’s is practical, local and generous. We are an evangelical community that prays together, eats together, and is generous for the sake of God’s Kingdom in Glebe.””
““St John’s is a warm and welcoming church with a diverse congregation.””
We are happily Anglican
and also welcome people from all church backgrounds and people from all backgrounds who are exploring who Jesus is.
We recognise and encourage the ministry of women in all aspects of our church life, including preaching.
Senior Minister – Garry Lee-Lindsay
Assistant minister – Alex Prentice
Youth and Children’s Minister – Colin Watego
Indigenous Ministry Coordinator – Larissa Minniecon
Director of GAPP – Katrina Knight
GAPP Community Workers – Larissa Minniecon,
Deborah Young & Paul Knight
Communications & Property Coordinator – Paul Knight
Honorary Indigenous Minister – Ray Minniecon
Torres Strait Island Elder – Ben Harry
To contact staff, please use our contact page
Bishop Frederick Barker identified the need for a Parish in Glebe soon after his arrival in the Colony of NSW in 1855. The parish was proclaimed to commence on 1 October 1856 under the ministry of William Macquarie Cowper, the first Australian born clergyman. St John's Church building was completed in 1870, inspired by the vision of the famous colonial architect Edmund Blackett and completed by his sons. Both the Church building and its churchyard are listed in the NSW Heritage Register.
St John’s has served Glebe, taking a vital interest in the social housing estate, for over 150 years. Our mission has essentially been the same, to be the presence of Jesus in Glebe, proclaiming his gospel and living his way. We seek to be a church for all of Glebe, providing challenge, support and community.